Are they complicit in Obama's nefarious attempt to exercise secret police powers over US citizens without Constitutional restrictions? Or are they still so smitten with their socialist messiah that they thmselves don't perceive the danger this poses to liberty?
@LizBlaine writes about it here on the David Horowitz Newsreal Blog. National Review writer Andy McCarthy's piece is here. Bob Owens covered it at Pajamas Media. The Washington Examiner weighs in here and again here. Canada Free Press wonders why Americans aren't outraged about this issue here. And in this follow-up, Canada Press explains the significance of the story. The New York Times says there's nothing to see here - move along. The Times quotes Christina Reynolds, a White House spokeswoman: "There is nothing newsworthy here." ABC News' Jake Tapper has a good piece posted here, but it doesn't strike us as particularly in-depth.
Please note: We are NOT comparing Obama to Hitler. We ARE raising serious questions about what would motivate our President to allow any internatonal agency to interact with American citizens in such a way that our Constitutional rights are swept away, and the agency itself is no longer subject to US laws.
Have you heard a single serious explanation about this on network newscasts? No! So tweet the media! Ask them why they aren't covering this important story in depth. We promise, you WILL have an impact on this issue.
Please note: We are NOT comparing Obama to Hitler. We ARE raising serious questions about what would motivate our President to allow any internatonal agency to interact with American citizens in such a way that our Constitutional rights are swept away, and the agency itself is no longer subject to US laws.
Have you heard a single serious explanation about this on network newscasts? No! So tweet the media! Ask them why they aren't covering this important story in depth. We promise, you WILL have an impact on this issue.

Tweet the media!
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