What kind of government encourage citizens to "report" things - spoken comments, writings, activities that may be in opposition to the ruler? That's a time-tested tool commonly used by dictators and oppressive, evil regimes. So in 2011, who creates a gigantic database full of tweets and blog posts, purely because they don't like the content? Communist China? Cuba?
Putin's Russia? No, think again.
Adolf Hitler's rule in
WWII-era Germany, members of the Hitler Youth were encouraged to
report any "unpatriotic" comments or activity they saw or heard from others, including their own parents.
Barack Hussein Obama's not-so-brilliant re-election effort is being led by people who embrace these
National Socialist tactics: If someone says or publishes anything critical of the President, we are encouraged to "report them."
Organizing for America, AKA Obama for America, has just debuted a web site that encourages and facilitates one citizen snooping on another.
AttackWatch.com is a portal into pure facism.
Sound a little Orwellian? It certainly isn't American. These people clearly believe they should have total control over what you do, say, and think.
It wasn't long ago when Obama's minions were encouraging Americans to
report "fishy" ideas, speech, and activity directly to a White House email account,
flag@whitehouse.gov. It disappeared almost as soon as it became general public knowledge that Obama was attempting to collect such information. We hope this cynical, free-speech-squelching, idiotic idea dies a quick death, too.
But it tells you a lot about who these people are, doesn't it? Every moment that Obama and his liberty-hating crew are in power increases the danger to our Republic.