This post was updated, with additional Twitter addresses, on 29 December 2009.
ABC's short-timer anchor Charles Gibson claimed he didn't know anything about ACORN -
weeks after the story broke. Who is he kidding? Even look-over-their-reading-glasses, cocktail party circuit, limousine liberals know that ACORN staffers have been captured on video aiding and abetting prostitution, child abuse, Federal income tax fraud, sex trafficking of minors and a whole host of criminal activities.
Congress and President Obama thought it was fine to hand ACORN $8 BILLION of taxpayer's money via the so-called "stimulus" package. Liberal media workers to this day are apparently not even curious about this story.
Maybe it's time some of these self-righteous, pompous, arrogant windbags who think they're so darn much smarter than you and me hear from us! Since Charlie doesn't know anything about ACORN, we can all perform a huge public service and start tweeting links to him. And to all the other members of the elite, liberal establishment media in this country who are too biased to bother reporting on the ACORN scandal or any one of a hundred other travesties involving the Obama administration and the Democrat-led Congress.
Here are some
Twitter addresses you can use. I'm sure they'll appreciate all the information you send them. Just think how helpful it will be to their crack research teams in newsrooms across the country.
Tweet the media!ABC @abcNightline @nightline
ABC News Blotter @ABCNewsBlotter
ABC News News @ABCNewsNews
ABC Political @abcpolitical
ABC World News @ABCWorldNews
David Chalian @DavidChalianABC
Yunji de Nies @yunjid
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James Goldston @jamesgoldston
Jon Karl @jonkarl
Rick Klein @thenote
Scott Mayerowitz @ScottABCNews
Cynthia McFadden @CynthiaMcFadden
Terry Moran @TerryMoran
Alvin Patrick @AlvinNightline
Steven Portnoy @stevenportnoy
Brian Ross @BrianRoss
Kate Snow @abckatesnow
George Stephanopoulos @GStephanopoulos
Elizabeth Stuart @elizabethstuart
Jake Tapper @jaketapper
Bill Weir @BillWeirABC
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Andrew Cohen @cbsandrewcohen
Katie Couric @katiecouric
John Dickerson @jdickerson
Mark Knoller @markknoller
Michelle Miller @CBSMMiller
Russ Mitchell @earlyshowruss
Byron Pitts @byronpitts
Dan Raviv @DanRaviv
Maggie Rodriguez @earlyshowmaggie
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Bob Schieffer @bobschieffer
Harry Smith @earlyshowharry
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Anderson Cooper @andersoncooper
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Jack Gray @jackgraycnn
Ed Henry @edhenryCNN
Victor Hernandez @vhernandezcnn
Don Lemon @donlemonCNN
Suzanne Malveaux @SuzanneMalveaux
Alexander Mooney @AWMooneyCNN
Mark Preston @PrestonCNN
Rick Sanchez @ricksanchezCNN
Kim Segal @CNNkimsegal
J. Smith @JSmith_CNN
Kristie Lu Stout @klustout
Valencia @CNNValencia
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Adam Housley @adamhousley
Brian Kilmeade @kilmeade
Rick Leventhal @RickLeventhal
Andy Levy @andylevy
Clayton Morris @ClaytonMorris
James Rosen @cutebeatle
Jonathon Serrie @jonathonserrie
Bill Schultz @BillSchulz
Shepard Smith @shepardsmith
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Hoda Kotb @hodakotb
Mike Leonard @mikeleonardnbc
Chuck Todd @chucktodd
The Nation @TheNationNational Public Radio @NPRNPR Politics @nprpolitics
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Politics @nytimespolitics
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Maureen Dowd @NYTimesDowd
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USA Today @USATodayUSA Today Politics @USATOnPolitics
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WSJ Washington @WSJWashington
Washington Post @washingtonpostEzra Klein @ezraklein
Want to add to this list? Just message @ResistTyranny, and I'll update it.