Tuesday, June 26, 2012

And they wonder why people call it 'Dearbornistan'

This video is a long one, but well worth viewing. Apparently, the right of Muslims to riot and assault other people with whom they disagree is paramount, and trumps all other people's rights in Dearborn, Michigan:

So, according to the Dearborn police, if Muslims hate you and act violently toward you, YOU are the one in the wrong. And you'll be cited for a crime.

Citizens or not, these people will vote in November. And they will ALL vote for Barack Hussein Obama.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Holder - 'Let's brainwash people about guns'

Here's the contemptible Eric Holder, who has been found in contempt of Congress by the House Oversight Committee for refusing to release information about Operation Fast and Furious. The U.S. House will vote on a resolution to hold the attorney general in contempt on June 28.

In Fast and Furious, Obama and Holder sold guns to Mexican drug gangs, hoping that the end result would be public outcry for more gun control laws. U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered with weapons illegally sold to Mexican criminals by the Obama regime.

Holder is Attorney of the United States, serving at the pleasure of President Barack Obama. Maybe we should change his employment status.

Hat tip to our Twitter friend Darrell Lee.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Google honors D-Day veterans

Internet giant Google is kown for clever, relevant graphics prominently displayed on their search page. June 6, 2012 marks the 68th anniuversary of the invasion of Europe by Allied forces in Normandy, France - commonly referred to as "D-Day."

And here's how Google honors our World War II veterans on June 6:

Sad, clueless leftist declares 'end of America as we know it'

It would be amusing to watch ignorant leftists cry about Gov. Scott Walker's victory in the recent Wisconsin recall election, if it weren't so pathetic:

Allow us to point out a few key truths about "America as we know it," which this young man's unionized teachers apparently overlooked during his school years:
  • Our Founders, in writing the United States Constitution, actually created a representative republic. Our national government is not, and never has been, a democracy.
  • Thomas Jefferson famously expressed his disdain for democracy: "Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49."
  • The 17th Amendment discarded the Founders' wisdom of having state legislatures elect US Senators, in favor of direct elections. This has proven to be an unwise step toward democracy.
  • The United States, as most Americans know it, is not a statist society where the government knows best and controls all. A better example of this would be the USSR - a fine example of how socialism and communism always fail. The United States, by contrast, is a place where liberty and freedom exist, including rights to free speech, association, and religion. Or at least they did, before Barack Hussein Obama became President.
  • The Federal government is actually prohibited by our founding documents from encroaching upon our God-given rights. The 10th Amendment clearly prohibits the Federal government from doing about 95% of what it is involved in today.
We could go on. But until uneducated, easily-misled citizens grasp the truth about the nature of this "grand experiment" called the United States of America, they will continue to cry in the streets, desperate for their imagined utopia.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Caveman blogger fights for free speech and Internet freedom

Far too many "activists," elected officials, judges, government offices, bureaus, programs, departments and bureaucrats think it's their job to police your freedom of speech. Especially your online speech:

Cooksey explains:
Can the government throw you in jail for offering advice on the Internet about what food people should buy at the grocery store?

That is exactly the claim made by the North Carolina Board of Dietetics/Nutrition. In December 2011, diabetic blogger Steve Cooksey started a Dear Abby-style advice column on his popular blog (http://www.diabetes-warrior.net/) to answer reader questions. One month later, the State Board informed Steve that he could not give readers advice on diet, whether for free or for compensation, because doing so constituted the unlicensed, and thus criminal, practice of dietetics. The State Board also told Steve that his private emails and telephone calls with readers and friends were illegal, as was his paid life-coaching service. The State Board went through Steve's writings with a red pen, indicating what he may and may not say without a government-issued license.

But the First Amendment does not allow the government to ban people from sharing ordinary advice about diet, or scrub the Internet—from blogs to Facebook to Twitter—of speech the government does not like. North Carolina can no more force Steve to become a licensed dietitian than it could require Dear Abby to become a licensed psychologist.

That is why on May 30, 2012, Steve Cooksey joined the Institute for Justice in filing a major free speech lawsuit against the State Board in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, Charlotte Division. This lawsuit seeks to answer one of the most important unresolved questions in First Amendment law: When does the government's power to license occupations trump free speech?
More information about this case is offered at The Institute for Justice. Interesting commentary on this case and our First Amendment right to freedom of speech without government interference is also offered by law.com. The Blaze also posted their take on the story here.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Planned Parenthood's quiet 'War on Women'

Many on the US political left are prattling on about an imaginary "War on Women" these days. But did you know that Planned Parenthood is quietly carrying out "gendercide" - the elimination of female babies by sex-selected abortion.

Although this heinous practice is known to be widespread in repressive, communist regimes like China, Planned Parenthood affiliate clinics throughout the United States are also engaging in this very real war:

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air reports that the Planned Parenthood employee in this video has since been fired. Apparently the murder of female preborn babies continues unhindered.