Many on the US political left are prattling on about an imaginary "War on Women" these days. But did you know that Planned Parenthood is quietly carrying out "gendercide" - the elimination of female babies by sex-selected abortion.
Although this heinous practice is known to be widespread in repressive, communist regimes like China, Planned Parenthood affiliate clinics throughout the United States are also engaging in this very real war:
Ed Morrissey at Hot Air reports that the Planned Parenthood employee in this video has since been fired. Apparently the murder of female preborn babies continues unhindered.
“Insemminated Mother”
4 hours ago
I'm very sorry that you were cursed with this stupidity but, if I'm not mistaken, people choose to have an abortion and when you use the word "murder" the real term is "aborted." I really would love to have a conversation with you without name calling and the use of facts and no stretching the truth. -DearUneducatedMasses